SoCal Home Gardening

Resources for Home Gardening in Southern California

Cucumbers Overview

Cucumbers are so easy to grow and most people really enjoy them, so it is a great addition to your pantry. I have had cucumber harvests as early as March, so if you are able to plant early and the weather is good, you can start harvesting this early into the spring season.

Fall Harvest As Well?

Yes, you can sneak in a Fall Harvest if you plant in August and have the additional harvest of cucumber until the weather cools off. Since our weather in Southern California is so mild at times, you might get a couple of months of cucumbers before frost and less sunlight gets to the plants. When it does, rip them up and start your winter crop in its place.


First Cucumber Harvest of 2024 - 6/19/2024

Seed To Harvest is almost 10 weeks this year. The first harvest is a lot later this year, but my first cucumber of the Spring Season is here just one day before Summer begins. My 'early cucumbers' died, so I was set back in getting these going, but now they are in Full Swing. - Read More...

Muncher Cucumber Seedlings at 2 Weeks - 4/13/2024

My first seeds died, so I had to restart my cucumber seeds. Here are the Muncher Cucumber Seedlings at 2 Weeks. - Read More...

Straight Eight Cucumber Seedlings at 7 Weeks - 3/3/2024

Cucumber seeds are so easy to grow. Here are my Straight 8 Cucumbers at Seven Weeks. They are vibrant with multiple leaves and a strong root system. They are ready to go into my raised beds. - Read More...


I have been gardening in Southern California for over 30 years. Over the last six years, I really began taking my gardening more seriously. My goal is to provide Useful information on this website that will help you with your Home Garden in Southern California and beyond...

Plants In My Garden

Bell Peppers