SoCal Home Gardening

Resources for Home Gardening in Southern California

Growing Coleus From Seed


Week #1 - Germination Has Happened

The baby Coleas have started to germinate. So far over a dozen seeds have sprouted. I will be sure to put them under a close-proximity grow light.

Week #2 - Lots of Seed Germinated

I will have to thin these out because there are way more seedlings than I need. They are doing very well. Looks like I will have lots of Coleaus for my hanging flower pots this fall.

Week #1 -

Week #3 -

Week #4 -

Week #5 -

Week #6 -


I have been gardening in Southern California for over 30 years. Over the last six years, I really began taking my gardening more seriously. My goal is to provide Useful information on this website that will help you with your Home Garden in Southern California and beyond...

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