SoCal Home Gardening

Resources for Home Gardening in Southern California

Comparison of With Other Varieties

White Carolina Lima Bean is a specific variety of Lima Beans that has its own unique characteristics and qualities. When compared to other Lima Beans varieties, White Carolina Lima Beans stand out for several reasons.

One of the notable differences of White Carolina Lima Beans is their color. As the name suggests, these beans are white in color, which distinguishes them from the more commonly seen green or speckled varieties. The white color provides an attractive contrast in dishes and can enhance the visual appeal of meals.

In terms of taste, White Carolina Lima Beans have a creamy and buttery flavor that is highly regarded by many gardeners and chefs. The smooth texture and delicate taste make them versatile in various culinary applications. They can be used in soups, stews, salads, or even enjoyed on their own as a side dish.

When it comes to growth habits, White Carolina Lima Beans are known for their compact bushy plants. This makes them ideal for gardeners with limited space, as they require less room than pole Lima Beans, which need trellises or other supports to grow properly. The compact nature of White Carolina Lima Beans also simplifies maintenance and harvesting.

In addition, White Carolina Lima Beans are highly productive, yielding a generous harvest. This makes them a popular choice among home gardeners who seek a bountiful supply of fresh beans throughout the growing season. The high productivity of this variety also makes them an excellent option for canning or freezing to enjoy year-round.

The history of White Carolina Lima Beans can be traced back to the traditional Native American crop known as Carolina Pole Lima Beans. These beans were an integral part of the Native American diet and were later cultivated by European settlers in the Southeastern United States. Over time, select bean breeders developed the White Carolina Lima Bean variety, which maintained the desirable qualities of the original Carolina Pole Lima Beans.

White Carolina Lima Beans can be purchased from various sources. One option is to check with local nurseries or gardening stores that specialize in heirloom or heritage vegetable varieties. Many online seed catalogs and websites also offer White Carolina Lima Bean seeds, making it convenient for gardeners to purchase them from the comfort of their own homes.

In conclusion, White Carolina Lima Beans offer a unique combination of characteristics that set them apart from other Lima Beans varieties. Their white color, smooth texture, and buttery flavor make them a delightful addition to any meal. Their compact growth habit and high productivity make them suitable for small gardens and provide a plentiful harvest. The history and availability of White Carolina Lima Beans make them an excellent choice for novice gardeners looking to try a distinct and delicious vegetable variety.


I have been gardening in Southern California for over 30 years. Over the last six years, I really began taking my gardening more seriously. My goal is to provide Useful information on this website that will help you with your Home Garden in Southern California and beyond...