Comparison of With Other Varieties
Perpetual kale, also known as walking stick kale or tree kale, is a unique variety of kale that sets itself apart in several ways. While there are many other types of kale available, perpetual kale holds certain distinct characteristics that make it special and appealing to gardeners.
One significant difference with perpetual kale is its growth habit. Unlike other kale varieties that are usually annuals or biennials, perpetual kale is a perennial plant. This means that once it is planted, it can survive and produce for multiple years without needing to be replanted. This resilience and longevity make perpetual kale an excellent choice for gardeners who want a consistent year-round supply of fresh kale.
Another advantage of perpetual kale is its size. It can grow to be quite tall, reaching heights of up to 8 feet. This vertical growth makes it an attractive addition to the garden, as well as a potential focal point. As it matures, perpetual kale develops thick, sturdy stems that resemble walking sticks, hence its alternative name. These can be harvested and used as walking sticks or even as decorative elements in the garden.
In terms of taste and nutrition, perpetual kale is similar to other kale varieties. It retains the same dark green, curly leaves that are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as various minerals and antioxidants. This makes it a highly nutritious vegetable that offers many health benefits.
The history of the perpetual kale variety traces back to the Mediterranean region, particularly the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. It has been cultivated there for centuries and is still a popular crop. Over time, perpetual kale has gained recognition and popularity in other parts of the world, including the United States and Europe.
For gardeners interested in growing perpetual kale, there are several ways to acquire the variety. Perennial kale plants can sometimes be found at specialized nurseries or through online seed and plant suppliers. Some local gardening communities may also have cuttings or divisions available for trade or sale. Additionally, perpetual kale can be propagated from cuttings taken from mature plants, allowing gardeners to expand their supply or share it with others.
In conclusion, perpetual kale offers a unique and valuable addition to any garden. Its perennial nature, impressive height, and versatile uses make it stand out among other kale varieties. With its history rooted in the Canary Islands, perpetual kale has found its way into the hearts and gardens of many gardening enthusiasts around the world. So, why not give it a try and enjoy the benefits of perpetual kale in your own garden?