SoCal Home Gardening

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Comparison of With Other Varieties

Artichokes are a versatile and delicious vegetable that comes in various varieties, each with its own unique characteristics. One particular variety, the Green Queen artichoke, stands out from the rest due to its distinct qualities.

Green Queen artichokes have several features that differentiate them from other varieties. Firstly, they have a vibrant green color, both on the outer leaves and the heart. This striking hue makes them visually appealing, especially when used in culinary presentations or as a centerpiece in vegetable dishes. Additionally, the Green Queen artichoke has a slightly milder and sweeter flavor compared to other varieties, making it a great choice for those who prefer a more delicate taste.

When it comes to cooking, Green Queen artichokes are highly versatile. They can be steamed, boiled, grilled, or even sautéed, and their tender flesh lends itself well to various recipes. These artichokes are often praised for their tender leaves and heart, which are easy to eat and require minimal preparation.

One special aspect of the Green Queen variety is its resistance to bolting, which refers to the premature flowering of the plant. Bolting can negatively impact the taste and quality of artichokes, so the Green Queen's resistance to this phenomenon is indeed a desirable trait.

In terms of history, the Green Queen artichoke variety was developed in the 1960s by a renowned plant breeder named Michael Cardone Sr. He aimed to create a variety that would possess superior culinary qualities while being resistant to bolting. After years of careful selection and crossbreeding, the Green Queen artichoke was born.

To purchase Green Queen artichoke plants or seeds, aspiring gardeners can visit local nurseries, specialty seed stores, or even online gardening websites. Additionally, farmers' markets may have the Green Queen variety available during the artichoke season. It is essential to check the climate suitability of Green Queen artichokes before planting, as they thrive in specific regions with the right temperature and sunlight conditions.

In conclusion, Green Queen artichokes are a distinctive variety of this beloved vegetable. With their vibrant green color, mild flavor, and resistance to bolting, they offer an excellent option for both culinary use and home gardening. Including Green Queen artichokes in your vegetable variety lineup will surely add a touch of uniqueness and excellence to your garden and table.


I have been gardening in Southern California for over 30 years. Over the last six years, I really began taking my gardening more seriously. My goal is to provide Useful information on this website that will help you with your Home Garden in Southern California and beyond...