SoCal Home Gardening

Resources for Home Gardening in Southern California

Double Bloom - Two Sets of Fruit This Season for Avocado Trees

We had a bit of spring weather late winter, which causes some of the blossoms to set (which is a good thing), but then it cooled off again and little fruit actually set.

Second Fruit Set

The weather warmed up again, and the Avocado trees responded by sending out their blossoms once again, and this was a larger quantity fruit set from before. This resuled in fruit now in June having two distinct sizes. It will be interesting to see if this will affect the harvest times for these fruit as well.

Two Distinct Sizes Right Now

Lots Of Fruit!


I have been gardening in Southern California for over 30 years. Over the last six years, I really began taking my gardening more seriously. My goal is to provide Useful information on this website that will help you with your Home Garden in Southern California and beyond...

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